Thursday, 18 July 2013

Argan Oil.. Problem?

I'd seen plenty of videos floating around on YouTube regarding Argan Oil, and more importantly the benefits associated with it. I knew I needed something to try and prevent dead/split ends, as I am trying to grow my hair beyond the length it seems to stop to a dead halt at, and am very stubborn (who isn't?) when it comes to getting a haircut.

After perusing the web for a product which would be cost effective and had positive reviews, I purchased the Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil from Boots for £6.99. I was excited to try it, as it seemed that it had the preventative benefits I was looking for, so with any luck I could leave it longer than normal before encountering the dreaded hairdresser's scissors of doom.

Now, the instructions state to use 'a small amount' of the product and apply it to damp, towel dried hair. In all honesty the first time I used it I think I used an amount that might of been slightly too much, as upon drying my hair I could feel the greasiness of my hair. Simply mistake, or so I thought. The second time I used the product, I used an amount equivalent to the size of a five pence piece and ran it sparingly through my hair, focusing on my ends. Again, as I dried my hair.. it felt greasy! What was I doing wrong?!

Frustration has led me to using it the only way that it doesn't seem to affect my hair negatively - by mixing the same amount into my conditioner and leaving it on like a mask. I know it's probably not the 'right' way to use it, but for now I have no idea how else I can avoid the trappings of faux greasy hair!

I'm not going to label this a bad product, I just think I'm obviously doing something wrong with the application. If anyone has any suggestions or advice, please feel free to leave me a comment. If I can get any closer to a resolve then I will be happy! :)


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